Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Full Moon

Annike Maria - hiding in our washing machinge, age 3, a.k.a. Annabeaner, Beanie, Beaner. "Peek-a-boo, Daddy!"

The full moon's powers were hard at work the other night. My little birth center was hoppin'. Lots of women (and girls, for that matter) came in with their bags of waters leaking, lots of women contracting, and then the usual busloads of wanna-be's (women who desperately want to be in labor but aren't). I, myself, was contracting throughout the night but that may have been more due to being on my feet so much rather than anything else. I've had this talk with my step-mom before, as an avid sailor, she knows all about the moon, tides and barometric pressure. Anyway, I forget which one has the most influence on the amniotic sac during a full moon, but she knows and hopefully she'll comment. Seems like it probably has a lot to do with gravitational pull. Back at home, a good rainstorm would put a lot of women in labor due to the change in barometric pressure. Anyway, I'm trying to make a point: What I love about full-moons has nothing to do with the fact that I was crazy busy at all hours and holding my eyelids open with toothpicks by morning. What I love is that in this era of heavy reliance on activities that strongly oppose nature, our bodies are still so heavily and amazingly susceptible to natural forces, even the rather mystical lunar forces. One of those things that makes you go 'hmmmm'? My SIL is pregnant with her 3rd baby, not due for another month (a full moon, ironically) but had baby number two prematurely. I half-expected to hear from my husband the other night with news that their new little one had arrived. My own sister is due a bit after me, in late December, but she went rather early with her first two babies. I just looked, the December 12th is a full-moon. I'm not a betting woman, but it wouldn't surprise me . . .


Jamie Payne said...

Yeah! Jason and I want to have the baby that weekend! All I want is to get through the 12th at work and then I'm ready...hopefull with a full moom, Ava will be ready too:) Glad you made it through your long night. I'm not sure how you do it, but you'r one strong woman!!

Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

There are literally days worth of reading on Google about the effects of the lunar cycle on births, deaths, and human behavior. However, there doesn't appear to be any concrete evidence and the opinions are widespread and varied. All I can say is it worked for me. My doctor gave me a due date of February 22nd for Jamie's arrival. The 22nd came and went, and days followed without a baby. Those were in the neanderthal dats when doctors let nature take its course. I waited...and waited. At last, on the eve of a full moon, I went into labor. When I arrived at the hospital, I was placed in a wheel chair to wait in the hallway for a labor room to become available. The hospital was over run with mommies all in labor. I don't have any scientific proof, but I am a believer in full moon births. There are some things that are unexplainable mysteries. But we know, right Kel?