Lucky Mr. Soren was practicing his golf skills with Gramma during the OB visit. Both Soren and Gramma are natural athletes, something my parents' did not pass on to me sadly. Gramma, a righty, has been working on golf with Soren every morning before school this week when he wakes up at 6:00 a.m. She takes him to the big park across the street from our house and has been teaching my little lefty how to putt and such. This afternoon they went to the nearby driving range together. According to Gramma, it was very successful and Soren shows much promise.
After work today I had a prenatal visit with Mr. Doctor OB. He was pleasant as usual, but brought up the B and L words. The B word is, of course, bed rest -- something I am physically, mentally and fiscally incapable of (still bread winning, ya know). The L word, leave of absence, is also not on my short list. He was willing to defer the discussion until next visit when we'll recheck the placement of the placenta and the interface between it and my uterus.. I did bring up the contractions, but we both felt they're probably idiopathic and not an issue at this point. The girls went with me, they were cooperative and made me look like mother of the year. My little girls, great for putting out the good mother front. The girls and I went to gymnastics after the OB visit. A good session for both of them. In fact, Petra did a back handspring all by herself today. I tried to get pictures, but I have a crappy camera and so it was blurry and the shot was delayed (of course, I'll post it anyway!).
Petra and Coach Lalo, this is the 1st one she did by herself. The rest got prettier, but the camera was putzy.
Nice back handspring, Petra! I can tell you're practicing a lot.
Love, Lea
I didn't know that your mom retired. She must love having some extra time to visit her grandchildren now! I think it's awesome that she's teaching Soren to play golf. Petra sounds like she's kicking some serious butt in gymnastics:)
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