Monday, April 6, 2009

I May Be

I may only be 4-months old . . .
but I can sit all by myself.
Tova (and Gramma), 4-months and 6-days old.

I may be small . . .
but I can shred on my daddy's 10-foot surf board.
Petra, age 7-11/12ths.

I may not look hard core . . .

but I am the world's best hip-hopper.
Soren, age 5-11/12ths.

I may be just one person . . .

but there's enough of me to go around.
Annike, age 3-7/8ths.


Ashley said...

Such beautiful children!!!

Mommela said...

We miss all of your remarkable and beautiful children--and their wonderful and loving parents!

Jamie Payne said...

Absolutely precious...all of them! I can't believe that Tova is sitting up all by herself!! Ava is still perfecting her head control:)