Thursday, November 20, 2008


We were all sleeping last night when Lars went through the house snapping pictures of everyone.
These two little guys fell asleep in Annike's bed.
Sleeping Beauty was up late reading Ramona Quimby Age 8.
This is my belly at 38-weeks pregnant, longer than I made it with Soren, not quite as long as I made it with Petra or Annike. Both Ultimette and I were in a deep sleep.

I hope you all sleep well tonight.


amyp said...

getting so close!

Mommela said...

Awww, I just love babies when they're sleeping. As I was kissing Lea last night on my own way to bed, my own sleeping baby gave one of those giant yawns like she did when she was a newborn and my heart melted all over again.

Ashley said...

Did you see this video?
Cute belly :) Beautiful babies.

Mommela said...

Kelly! I just noticed! WHERE IS YOUR BELLY BUTTON?

Mama/Baby-Catcher/KellyJellyBelly/KJB/Wifey said...

I think my belly button is right next to my pointer finger, there. My belly is a bit crooked because of the way Baby is positioned in there, hence, my belly button isn't central. It's also sticking way out, not that you can tell in the picture.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand it Kelly - this one way street...more to come when I figure out how to reply to your blog. Em

Anonymous said...

o.k. so I see I am anonymous for now. I can live with that.

I was online when Miles came downstairs peeking. So, I showed him many updates of Soern...he was excited to see you were pregnant. In the car today, I mentioned you were about to have another baby - Ellie say why four - and in unison, Scott and I said, "because she's young!" We're just super jealous, but nothing is easy no matter. Thinking of you. Love, Em