We got her some heel cups, per the PNP's recommendation, which Petra finds quite soothing. Tova does too, we've found then in her mouth several times.
When she's not at gymnastics, she's supposed to rest her left limb on ice. She prefers to rest it on ice on her piggy pillow. Piggy pillows make everything better. Baby sisters think icy piggy pillows must be nice, cause this baby sister plunked herself down on Petra's piggy pillowed and pilfered Petra's ice pack. Eventually she got her own bag of ice. This went on nicely, until . . .
she took her ice out of the bag and started eating it, dripping frozen drooly drops on to Petra's perfectly plush piggy pillow. Petra rolled with the punches, perservering per usual. Poor Petra.
In addition to stretching, Petra's new program includes pampering. We're supposed to massage the tissues in her leg a couple times a day. Of course, Ms. T needs pampering alongside Petra so she plopped next to Petra and propped her pudgy, stubby legs atop a pillow, pointed to Mommy and demanded bilateral lower extremity manipulation. It was only after much time had passed that I realized I was using sun screen to massage their legs.
What a good mommy/massage therapist you are, Kelly! Those young'uns are lucky to have you.
I hope Petra is back to normal soon. How goes it with Tova's hearing eval?
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