Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Announcements", "That time of year", and all that Hoo-Haw

Winter '07, reviewing the information Pfarma gave us about our potential move to CA.
I sure hope we won't be doing this again anytime soon.

It was this time 2-years ago when the guys at the top announced to the guys at the bottom that Lars and 9,999 of his colleagues would no longer have jobs at the pfarma company they'd been pouring all their intellectual properties into. It was an awful day for Lars and me and that awful day stretched into awful days and weeks and even months as we faced some tough decisions about providing for our family.

Anyway, Lars' first day back at work from his 6-week parental leave was yesterday. Today, every 'colleague' at his work site is having a one-on-one meeting with HR. Apparently, there is some California law that prohibits schmucky employers from announcing specific job losses in a big group fashion like they did back in Ann Arbor. Rumors are circulating that there will be 800 cuts from a number of the Pfarma sites, most probably from their CT site, but also from their Sandwich UK site, probably from MO and then of course right here in SoCal.

Lars' HR meeting is at 1:50 Pacific time. We've been through many false alarms with this company before, where other people get laid off or the big announcement is about a new re-org chart, but since that last big announcement we are always on pins and needles despite reassurance from Lars' boss.
More news when I know more . . .


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly. Look, I found your blog, and what a fabulous writer you are. I will be thinking about you guys today (and praying you are staying right here!) Im home all day - let me know what you hear!

Display said...

Oh, Kelly, I'm so sorry. I'll be sending good thoughts your way today.