Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First Day on the Blog

It's my first day on the blog, but I've been so inspired by my step-mom, sister, and friend's blogs that I'd thought I'd give it a whirl.

We went to our 4th ultrasound for Ultimo today. The ultrasound went well, kidneys looked good and there was a brain (more on that later). The heart was beating. The baby had its hands down in front of its nethers so we couldn't see the sex. There'll be enough ultrasounds coming up, I'm sure we'll be able to see one of these times. My hunch is a girl.

The aforementioned brain thing: last week I had to tell a patient of mine that, during an ultrasound, it was discovered that the baby was missing a brain (called anencephaly). There was a brain stem there, allowing very primitive function such as some nervous response and normal cardiac activity. Sadly, without the rest of the brain, the baby cannot survive outside the womb. Many couples opt to terminate the pregnancy once they learn of their baby's condition, as there is no hope for a normal or abnormal life. However, some families choose to continue the pregnancy in hopes of carrying the baby to term and bringing it into the world alive. Although many babies with this condition are born sleeping, a few are born alive. The families protect their heads with bandages, feed them, hold them and give them comfort. Usually the babies pass away within a couple of days, but some go on to live for a few weeks. The organs of live-born babies can be donated once they have deceased.

Anyway, I have a patient facing this decision right now. Her baby is alive right now, moving around inside of her, it's heart is beating and she is very torn. I've been having dreams that I'm actually the one carrying her baby. It's awful.

You should know that for every sad outcome I have, I have probably 30 happy outcomes. I guess the tough ones just stay at the forefront of my mind.

A story to lighten the mood: Petra (7) asked me today "Mommy, how do the mommy's and daddy's puzzle pieces get together to put a baby in the mommy if all their clothes are on and their belly buttons aren't even touching?" As most of you know, I'm pretty frank with the kids about pregnancy, developing fetuses, the politics of reproduction, etc., but only insofar as is appropriate given their very young ages. I panicked with this question, Lars was still at work and no other adults were around. I thought about taking the easy way out by describing in vitro fertilization to her, but then Soren interjected with a question about cake and then everyone turned their attention to him. Whew!

Any takers?


Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

Welcome to blogging! Wow - I am the first to comment on your blog. Glad to hear all is well with Ultimo. If all goes well, Jamie will learn Baby Bean's gender at her ultrasound Monday. TWO babies. I still can't get over you girls being prganant at the same and due within weeks of each other. As for Petra's interest in reproduction, I can't offer much advice. I am long past the time when I had to ponder such questions. Be up front and as honest as possible. Never could understand why some parents made up stories rather than give a straight (albeit brief)explanation. I'll return often to check your blog. It is a great way to keep in touch.

Jamie Payne said...

Yeah! I'm so glad to see that you started a blog!! Even though I've been slacking at posting pictures, it's still a good way to keep everyone informed of daily life stuff. I have no idea what I'm going to do when Ayden starts asking me about reproduction. So far, I've been very honest with him regarding body parts. I don't make up cute little names which frustrates Jason. He's not comfortable with his 4 year old saying penis and breasts. I think it's much better than his mom calling it a "deedle dee". When you figure it all out, you'll have to let me know what you I can use it with our kids:) Love you!

Chad Rector said...

Fit their puzzle pieces together? That gives new meaning to the Jim Croce song:

Old Leroy looked like a jigsaw puzzle with a coupla pieces gone.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OMG! Whew good luck with this one. KT was very curious and when we told her she was completely grossed out. I say be up front and honest and wait until she asks again:) By the way we love that you moved here and we are very grateful that you picked sunny CA. I am so excited to read more about your life.

Brian said...
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Brian said...

Kelly, I think it's a great idea that you have started this blog, and I'm eager to soak up your thoughts on California livin' and such, among other things.

Meanwhile, Linda had an entry on her blog last November about a case she read for law school concerning anencephaly and how some of the legal and medical ramifications are reconciled in the law. In reading over it, we thought maybe dealing with all this stuff first-hand, it wouldn't be too exciting for you to deal with the subject even more than you already have, but it is quite interesting, so I'll provide it anyway:

link to Linda's blog