Friday, August 14, 2009

Yesterday morning Lars woke up around 6:40 a.m., stumbled through the house, crashed into the wall in the family room only to surprise Petra. Petra is never awake at 6:40 a.m., she's not a morning-type. In fact, we have a pulley system hooked up to her loft so that we can heave her out of bed in the morning. Not yesterday morning.

Lars found her sprawled out on a yoga mat doing sit-ups and push-ups.

Sometimes I really don't know about her. If it weren't for her startlingly Lars-tastic features I'd almost wonder if they switched her out at that busy old University of Michigan on the day she was born and now some other couple has a couch potato kid.

I suppose her early morning workout is why she has a six-pack and I do not.


Mommela said...

And a mighty impressive six-pack it is! (Yeah, I'll never have one.)

Carolyn said...

Whoa. That is tough-looking kid. You'd never catch me awake at 6:40 in the morning either. Well, at least not out of my bed.

Jamie Payne said...

Wow! I haven't seen my abs in...oh hell...I don't think I've ever seen my abs. I wish Petra could send a little of her determination my way.

amyp said...

those are some killer abs!