To be quite frank with you, you'd think that after sewing up torn up vaginas all day long I could handle sawed-in-half mouth bones and oral sutures. I just suppose that you can't control some of life's mysteries. Birth canals win, hands down.
Anyway, she was fairly confused and sedated still so I jetted back to work. At the end of my day, I flew home to find a new and improved Petra. Except for the mouth bit which just rattled me more and more.
By dinner, which was soft food made to accommodate Practically Perfect Petra, the sight of her mouth was beyond revolting to me. Every time she started to talk I would feel my insides shiver. I tried just looking at her eye balls when she was talking, but I have a very active imagination and I got carried away. Before I knew it little tiny pukes were coming into my mouth. Then I tried to look at her through narrowed eyes, I mean for crap's sake I'm her mother. What kind of mother can't even look at her poor suffering child? Puke or no puke, I was gonna look her in the face with eyes wide open.
But, holy cow, her mouth! It looked agonizing with a big crack in her jaw right between her two front teeth. Oh Lord help me, if that little bitsy puke didn't rush into my mouth. I swallowed hard and turned to Lars, ignoring Petra who was yabbering on and on with her mouth wide open, and I tried to engage my fabulously toothed husband in some piece of conversation. All the while my chi felt tingly and raw and shivery and I felt like the worstest mother on this whole godforsaken planet. What the heck was wrong with me?
I decided the best way to keep her mouth shut was to get something in it. Fortunately, yesterday I went to the city's crappiest and junkiest grocery store to buy Petra all manner of frozen treats. I rushed her to the freezer where she happily selected rootbeer float ice cream. I plopped huge scoops into a bowl for her and gently-roughly pushed the bowl under her chin. Whew. Whew, whew, whew.
Please meditate for me tonight. Help me to find the strength to be a good mother? Show me the way! Please! And then, after that, say a little prayer that this is the last surgery any Viking child will ever have to undergo cause I'm just about positive that I would keel over at the sight of a lobectomy or appendectomy or ingrown toenail-ectomy. Keel over!
The rest of the rest. . .
Soren is away. I miss him terribly. I remember all the good about him. He's with his Gramma and Bubba on a golf and tennis vacation. He's precious and sweet and never naughty. Never.
That's the news from Viking Village, where all the women are wimpy and all the 8-year olds have fractured mouths.
I'm trying to send courage vibes your way. I'm glad that Petra is already doing better after her surgery! What a brave little girl:)
I guess everyone says "Some day you'll look back on this and her mouth will be beautiful as she competes in the quater finals of NAFTA's Got Talent.
They're just not saying it today.
Who is the guy in the suit?
I'm so glad to hear Petra's doing well as can be expected after her surgery. What a relief! I remember Annike's tongue issues the day before you drove out to CA and how that threw you, so I'm not surprised about how Petra's little face really threw you for a loop! Lars looks pretty snazzy all gussied up. Fingers crossed.
How's Petra's mouth healing?
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