Thursday, June 25, 2009

Playing Catch Up

A lot has happened. A lot. The camera was gone for most of it (TYVM Lars-Mr-Fix-Things-That-Ain't-Broke).

Petra goes to a horse show, she decides she'll be a cowgirl-farmer.
Tova takes solids.

And, then eats paper.

Petra contracted a communicable disease and missed 1-week of school.
It was really awful.

With a lot of bed rest she eventually got better, in time to return for the last week of school festivities

Annike, with Miss Chamali, had her last day of school.

She also said good-bye to Miss Holly, see you in the fall!

She may have stopped school for the summer, but she sure as heck didn't stop being precious.

They're both pretty darling.

Tova told Annike a secret. I still don't know what it was about, but Annike promises me that it was REALLY funny.
Tova wants to crawl.

Peek-a-boo! Petra's last day of 2nd grade.

Here with her good pal, Maddie.

Good-bye Mr M! It was nice working with you.

Soren wished his wonderful kindergarten teacher a fabulous summer.

Then it was time to go crazy at a friend's last day of school pool party.

Annike surveyed her options . . .

and decided on the hot tub.

An expectant Mama Morning Dove heard there was a midwife in the house and so set up camp in our nectarine tree.

I paid the kids to help me wash all the chairs and stools. I still owe them each a dollar.

We went strawberry picking with Gramma.

Finally, Tova is growing back some fuzz on the right side after the unfortunate incident of Annike and the kiddie scissors vs Tova's hair.



Mommela said...

Thank goodness! I was starting to go through cuteness withdrawl--and it wasn't pretty.

Ashley said...

Wow. You've got some cute kids there! :)

Display said...

You have a nectarine tree? I want a nectarine tree!

Jamie Payne said...

Awesome update...the kids sure have been busy! It's so great that Tova is already wanting to crawl. We're still working on sitting up in our house:)

Doughboy said...

What a good looking group !!
I can't decide if Tova looks more like Lars or Kelly....kinda depends on the shot. Annicke no contest.....Kelly fo sho.

Anonymous said...

Love the photo story.