Friday, March 19, 2010

Guard Baby

Sheesh. I almost forgot my password, it's been so ding gone long since I had anything to say.

'Anything' may be the wrong word. Usually I have lots n lots to say. Fact is, I was having a material problem. Bloggable material, or the inspiration to turn into into bloggable material was more precisely the problem.

You know when you're a working mommy with small children and everyday seems like a miracle? Like, for example, you got to work without crashing the car while applying lip gloss. It's a big deal! Certainly seems important, but when you set down in the Gramma Room cum Office to say sumpin' about it, I don't know -- the magic just goes away.

So then, like, my mom came because Nanny McHope went to go visit family back in CT. Phew, does my mom keep us busy.

Then Lars left. I was alone in this huge 1600 sq foot house, all alone. Except my kids. They were here, too. And Maggie. She's no good, though. Strangers come in the house and she rolls straight to her back for them to rub her belly. Her bark is absolutely fierce.

Anyway, it was right before my mate went away that we established a new security system at our house. We fondly call it the Guard Baby Protection System. Freaks everyone out when they walk up our front steps. Don't even think about breaking in, you'd be a fool!

He's watching you . . .

Yep, so that's what we've got for when my burly husband is in St Louis. A genuine guard baby. Beat that!


Mommela said...

Yikes! I'd certainly be on my guard if I saw THAT frightening looking little Viking glaring down on me!

Jamie Payne said...

Too funny! Love your new guard baby:)