Since the time we first received Maggie in our lives, we've set out two goals for her:
1) swim in a large body of water like a rugged, athletic macho dog
2) stick her head out the window of a moving vehicle.
Today's post is about the first of our two goals for Magdalena. However, much of what we've learned from our attempts at raising Maggie as a proper dog comes straight out of that old adage, "you can lead a Bassett Hound to water but you can't make 'em float."
Enter Dog Beach:
Running and sniffing and sniffing and running . . . far away from the water.
She made a friend.
And kept running.
Won at King of the Hill, but still no water.
Kicked sand on other people's belongings.
And then finally consented to a brief foray at the water's edge.
Wear she got her paws wet . . . and her ears.
Can't say that you can call this swimming, but near bout was.
Poor short legged doggy.
Even after taking the leash off her, she didn't run away from the water. She sure wasn't thrilled about it, either.
"Can we wrap up this lesson?"